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The message highlights the importance of following God's laws and not just blindly following religion. It quotes Exodus 23:14-15 and Colossians 3:2-3 to emphasize the need to focus on heavenly things and not worldly possessions. It also mentions the rewards that await those who follow God's laws and warns against loving the world and its possessions. Overall, the message urges Christians to be wise and not fall prey to false preachers who are only after offerings.

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This page discusses the idea that those who are ruled by their sinful selves cannot please God, and that only those who are ruled by the Spirit of God belong to Christ. It also emphasizes that liars and the wicked are an abomination to the Lord, and that the blood of Yeshua Christ cleanses us from all sins, transforming us into righteousness and holiness. The page concludes with a message of forgiveness and mercy for those who repent of their sins.

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The Lord God commands us to follow his teachings and not to worship other gods. Instead of blindly following human religious leaders, we should invite Christ into our hearts and let him guide us. Those who believe in Jesus and do not stumble at his teachings are blessed. Doubts and fears are natural, but as long as we do not fall away from Jesus, we will receive his blessings.

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В данной проповеди рассказывается о том, что законы были отменены, но закон о женщинах остался. Христиане получат венец праведности, если будут следовать за Христом, а не за религией. Нужно думать о небесах, а не о земле, и не любить мир и вещи в мире. Важно собирать сокровища на небесах, а не на земле, чтобы получить венец славы и праведности.

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Страница содержит цитаты из Библии, которые говорят о том, что люди, которые не следуют Божьему закону, против Бога. Также страница напоминает о вечном наследии, которое хранится на небесах для верующих. В конце страницы есть мысль о том, что вечное наследие не исчезает, в отличие от земных богатств.

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The text emphasizes the importance of leading a righteous lifestyle and obeying God's will. It quotes Romans 6:3 and Romans 12:2 to support this idea. The text also includes a story about a man who quoted Romans 12:1 but left out the last words, which is your reasonable service. The story highlights the importance of presenting ourselves to God as a living sacrifice and obeying His will. The text concludes by emphasizing the consequences of not yielding ourselves to God and the blessings that come with devoting ourselves to Him.

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The concept of being born again is about receiving new life through the Holy Spirit, not just adopting a new religious label. It is important for Christians to remember to follow God's commandments and not become too focused on worldly possessions. The passage from Romans 8:10-11 emphasizes that the Spirit gives life to believers, while 1 Timothy 6:17-18 encourages generosity and doing good deeds. Overall, being born again is a transformative experience that should lead to a deeper relationship with God and a commitment to living a righteous life.

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The article discusses the importance of seeking Jesus Christ as the best teacher to learn truth. It emphasizes that what is learned from Jesus is pure and powerful, unlike what is learned from man. The article encourages readers to look beyond human teachers and seek Jesus in prayer to draw living truth from His heart.

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Статья о том, что Христос Иисус является лучшим учителем и как познать истину через молитву и обращение к Его словам. Описывается, что слова Иисуса суть дух и жизнь, и что только через обращение к Нему можно получить истинное благо. Также приводится цитата из Иоанна 1:17-18 о том, что закон был дан через Моисея, а благодать и истина пришли через Иисуса Христа.

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