THE LORD GOD SAYS WE MUST DO EVERYTHING THAT HE TOLD US BUT YOU FOLLOW WHAT THE HUMAN RELIGION PASTORS SAYS Exodus 23:12 - 13 NCV You should work six days a week, but on the seventh day you must rest. This lets your ox and your donkey rest, and it also lets the slave born in your house and the foreigner be refreshed. Be sure to do all that I have said to you. You must not even say the names of other gods those names must not come out of your mouth. LET CHRIST VISIT YOUR SOUL AND STOP BEING RELIGIOUS Matthew 11:6 And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.KJV A) What is the feeling of your heart toward Jesus 1) What is the solemn desire of your soul? that he would come and make your heart his abode? that he would visit your soul with the light of his countenance? that he would sprinkle his blood upon your conscience? that he would make himself very near, very dear, and very precious? Do you count one word from his lips worth a thousand worlds? a smile of his countenance worth thousands of gold and silver? Then you are blessed. You are not stumbling upon the dark mountains of error. You are not stumbling at the perfections of the Son of God. You are not offended at a free gospel, an unconditional salvation. 2) No the Lord in mercy has slaughtered your prejudices, subdued your enmity, and brought you to receive the gospel as a little child. Well, but some may say, I believe all this but, then, I have doubts and fears whether the Lord has begun his work in me, whether I am one of his family. I cannot enjoy the power of truth as I could wish. But does not the Lord say, Blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of me. You are not offended and stumbled at Jesus. And he that does not fall away on account of him, but is enabled to receive him as the Christ of God, to look to him, to believe in him, and at times to feel him precious he comes under the blessing which makes rich, and adds no sorrow with it.

Теги других блогов: Christianity Exodus 23:12-13 Matthew 11:6